State CIF Addresses Practice Limitations and Outside Participation at the Federated Council Meeting

The State CIF Federated Council participated in lengthy discussion on some controversial issues that would, have significant ramifications on the future of interscholastic programs throughout the State of California. A proposal to remove Rule 600 which currently denies student-athletes participation in contest on an outside team in the same sport during the high school season of sport, is currently being considered by the State CIF and is in the preliminary stage of discussion. Argument for and against were shared with passion and further discussion on this topic will continue at the next Federate Council meeting at the end of January. A second topic of discussion that appears to have strong supported throughout the State is the establishment of a Statewide limitation on practice time. Concerns of excessive practice time has permeated many schools and has had a negative impact on student's ability to meet academic and personal obligations. Two concepts are being considered at this time, one establishes a maximum time limitation for each day, the second concept referred to as a hybrid, would set a maximum time period for the week with coaches having the flexibility to modify each practice session. Clarification on what constitutes practice continues to be the sticking points, with further clarification needed in the proposal before it is presented for a vote. The CIF Los Angeles City Section was represented by our Section Board of Managers President, Edmund Johnson, and Commissioner John Aguirre.