Belmont High School
Welcome to the Belmont High School student newspaper: The Sentinel
Cross Country Brings City Championship Home to Belmont
Coach Ramon Gomez led his talented team of cross country competitors to Belmont’s first city championship since 2002. Edgar Hernandez Tzits, Elmer Morales, Matthew Espinoza, Emanuel Gonzalez, Osbel Ramon Hernandez, Dawit Woldie, and Gilberman Mejia secured the title Saturday, November 19th to the delight of the coaching staff, athletes, family members, and fans.
This accomplishment is even more impressive considering four of the dynamic team members were new to the country this year. “I feel really proud of the kids especially because I can identify with their hardship coming to this country,” said Coach Gomez. “I myself came here as a teen and it was a challenge with the language acquisition, but I tell the students to trust in their talents and continue to be hard working individuals.”
After the city championship was secured, the team traveled to Fresno to compete at the state level. Belmont came in last, but it served as a tremendous motivator. “We may not have done as well as we wanted to, but it doesn’t take away from the experience,” noted Gomez. “It only serves as inspiration for us to train harder for next year.”
Dr. McGregor and Coach Gomez recognized the team in front of the entire faculty at last week’s professional development meeting, giving students a chance to share their experiences and express their thanks to family members and teachers. “It made me feel happy,” said Dawit Woldie. “I have never been recognized in front of people and it was awesome.”
The 2016 City Championship trophy now joins the other shiny reminders of Belmont’s excellence in the case outside of the cafeteria for all to enjoy.
Championship team photo to the right-
Please see the attached below for two excellent stories recently posted.
The Special Learners story was written by Elizabeth Morales and Skyla Canlas. Elizabeth and Skyla share how Belmont’s Special Learners had the unique opportunity to interact with other local schools in the Special Olympics.
The Belmont Cross Country recap was written by Jessica Morales with assistance from Elizabeth Bush. Jessica does a wonderful job of summarizing the 2015 cross country season for the Sentinels which included the amazing success of the three Gonzalez sisters. She also shares insightful thoughts by Coach Roman Gomez.
2018 Gallery (bottom of page)
Varsity football photos by Melanie Molina, Jennifer Diaz, Margaret Gonzalez
JV football photos by Jessica Gonzalez
Championship football game gallery vs. Hollywood by Melina Cruz
Bottom of page-
Track and Field photos by Melanie Molina / JV Football photos by Julissa Aguilar
Brayan Serrano (lt) and Jimmy Perez prepare for the City track finals.
Photo by Jessica Morales
Jessica Morales attempts a free kick against Bernstein High. The JV team closed the season with seven wins.
Photo by America Lopez
Belmont point guard Joshua Arias goes head-to-head against Hollywood High.
Photo TBA
Emmanuel Marquez pushes onward for Belmont track and field.
Photo by Jessica Morales
Belmont swimmer and super athlete Genesis Elizarraras takes to the lanes against RFK.
Photo by Elizabeth Morales
Kevin Suazo contributes towards a spectacular season for Belmont's varsity soccer team, finishing with a 9-1 record in league and advancing to the City semifinals.
Photo by America Lopez and Nicolle Reyes
Genesis Elizarraras blocks for a point against Verdugo Hills in girls volleyball.
Photo by Miguel Lemus
Belmont's Special Learner's program competed with other local schools in the Special Olympics.
Photo by Skyla Canlas
Coach Roman Gomez provides a motivational pep talk before the race begins.
Photo by Jessica Morales
The wall of cross country runners break out at the beginning of the race.
Photo by Nanci Rizo
Evelyn Mancilla competes in a Central League meet.
Photo by Jessica Morales
Lizet Espana (right) pushes towards the finish.
Photo by Stephany Alvarado
Belmont's Romeo Tobar outruns his soccer competitors, pushing through Bernstein's tough defense. The Sentinels closed out the season with a 6-2-2 league record.
Photo by Deanna Garcia
Belmont wrestler executes a half-Nelson during a match vs. Eagle Rock.
Photo by Amanda Marroquin
Football Gallery 2017 (see below)
Photo credit to Paul De Los Reyes, Julissa Aguilar, Jessica Morales, Nicolle Reyes
Baseball photos 2017 by Jessica Morales (see below)
Jon SooHoo, the official photographer of the Los Angeles Dodgers, visited the Belmont journalism class to share his experiences behind the lens!
Please see the three photos to the right at the bottom of Jon SooHoo with Belmont journalism students.